Wall-E is a beloved animated character from the movie Wall-E. He is a small and endearing robot who is on a mission to clean up planet Earth. Wall-E is known for his unique design, with his body made of metal and his expressive eyes. In addition to his charming personality, Wall-E is also known for his iconic pair of Crocs. These Crocs are a nod to the popular footwear brand and showcase Wall-E's fun and playful style. With his adorable appearance and stylish shoes, Wall-E and his Cartoon Crocs have become a beloved symbol of the film.
There are several reasons why someone might choose our crocs:
- Comfort: Our classic clogs are known for their comfortable, cushiony soles, making them a popular choice for people who are on their feet all day or need a shoe with extra support.
- Durability: our product are made from a special type of plastic, which is known for its durability and resistance to wear and tear.
- Easy to clean: This product are easy to clean and quick to dry, making them a good choice for people who are looking for a low-maintenance shoe.
Wall-E Cartoon Crocs Specification
- Material: EVA.
- Weight: 0.76kg.
- Avg production time 4-5 days.
- Average Shipping time 7-10 business days
Size guide
Choosing Your Size
Step 1: Stand close to the wall, on solid ground or objects on the surface, keep the heel close to the wall
Step 2: With a soft measuring tape or ruler measure the length from the heel to toe
Step 3: We recommend choose insole length = feet length + 5mm.
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